Wednesday 23 May 2012

The One in Me Who is More Me than Myself

A Dream : 

I am sitting at a table with two other persons. The other two are talking and I am not paying much attention. Then they start laughing and I come out of my reverie. I can't see the joke and ask the other two about it. I think that if it is a joke, there must be a pun somewhere, but cannot see it. Then I woke up.

I remembered the dream, remembered the conversation, and lo, I burst out laughing. There was a very clever pun, it was very witty.

Then I froze. I dreamt the dream. And I was laughing as if the joke was told by a third person. And all through I am suspecting a pun. Who is this Joker ?

I have forgotten the joke and the pun. I remember lying on the bed, recollecting the dream, then laughing out aloud, feeling very joyous, and then being stunned.

15 Aug. 2012
From What is Life - Erwin Schroedinger -

Consciousness is never experienced in the plural, only in the singular. Even in the pathological cases of split consciousness or double personality the two persons alternate, they are never manifest simultaneously. In a dream we do perform several characters at the same time, but not indiscriminately: we are one of them; in him we act and speak directly, while we often eagerly await answer or response of another person, unaware of the fact that it is we who control his movements and his speech just as much as our own.

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